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Environmental school Polku

Lapsia ulkona
Lapsia ulkona

Support for sustainability education

  • Are you looking for a project partner in Finland for sustainability education?
  • Would you like to learn more about environmental education?
  • Are you looking for a special place to visit with your group – where you can learn about circular economy?
  • With over 30 years of experience, we offer versatile education programs and support for sustainability education. We reach approximately 60 000 clients annually, educating everyone from adults to kids, from pupils to educators and businesses. Our educators are highly experienced professionals with master’s degree or above in natural science, arts, and education.

    We have long term co-operation with different partners such as local authorities and we run projects with international authorities such as EU.

    Read more about us and our services. Contact us for more information. We are looking forward to exploring the aspects of sustainability education with you!

    Environmental School Polku

    In Finland, our environmental education is run under the name Environmental School Polku, or Ympäristökoulu Polku as we say it in Finnish. Polku educators visit schools, day care centres and kids’ events to lend a hand in environmental education. For example in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, with the funding of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY), we offer every year about 2000 visits or lessons in local day cares or schools and about 40 different lesson plans are in active use.

    Polku also creates and offers many exciting study materials and trainings. We co-operate for example with the Ministry of the Environment of Finland and the Board of Education of Finland.

    Are interested in learning about our work and the Finnish environmental education? We welcome you to visit us at Hakaniemi (Helsinki) or we can get together in an online meeting.

    Experience circular economy in practice

    A visit to Pääkaupunkiseudun Kierrätyskeskus, Reuse Centre, is a unique, unforgettable dive straight into the very heart of circular economy. Visitors get to see how items circulate from donation to the store shelf, or get a new lease of life after a detour through our workshops.

    We welcome international customers to pay a visit/online visit to the biggest Reuse Centre in Finland, in which the best demonstration of circular economy in Finland is shown in a nutshell.

    The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre, or Kierrätyskeskus as we call it in Finnish, is owned by the local cities and organisations. We are the biggest Reuse Centre in Finland and we run a webshop and 13 second-hand shops around the capital region. Environmental School Polku is part of Kierrätyskeskus.

    Sustainability Education Academy Finland

    Our international education services are run under the name Sustainability Education Academy Finland.

    As one of the leading countries in sustainable development, Finland has many years of advanced experiences to share to the world. Simultaneously Finnish education has been revered as one of the best education system in the world. Sustainability Education Academy Finland is highly qualified in both fields. We provide professional teaching materials and trainings for worldwide customers. Our services are best suitable for education providers or actors interested in Finnish sustainability education. 

    Our work has been recognised

    • In the year 2021 we were amongst the top 3 nominees from Finland for the UNESCO – Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development.
    • In 2020 we received the recognition award, the Rose of Environmental Education, for the long and outstanding environmental education work given by the Foundation for Environmental Education of Finland. 

    Contact us

    If you wish to know more or book one of our experts to educate your group or community, feel free to contact
    Polku’s office:
    Head of the Academy Leena Nukari:
